Why yoga?

Yoga has many benefits for the mind, body, and spirit. But the one I love the most is that it doesn’t judge. As a “recovering” perfectionist and anorexic, if there is one thing that can make or break my day, it’s numbers. For years, I let numbers control me. I still struggle with it from time to time, but I am getting the victory. As my practice progresses, I find myself letting go of numbers and not letting them have power over me. Instead, I am getting more in tune with my body and mind. As of today, I don’t wear a watch or gadget of any sort because I don’t want numbers to have control over me. Do I think numbers have a time and place? Of course. In my personal journey, however, I had to let them go as they took control of me and my emotions.

In a podcast by Dave Farmer (Power Yoga with Dave Farmar), he asks why we define ourselves by what we can’t do? This has been a soul searching thought for me and has made me more aware of defining myself by what I CAN do. I carry this over into my yoga classes as well. First time students often approach me before class to tell me they are new and then list off the things they can’t do. My response often surprises them when I say, “Great! I’m glad you’re here. Yoga doesn’t judge and neither do I.” The relief on their face is so obvious as I see the tension slip away. They know they are in a safe place to practice yoga. Yoga is a journey. We never reach a PR. It is a practice, not a final destination. We improve – absolutely! But it’s a journey that will take a lifetime and brings great reward each time we practice.

Yoga also meets us where we are each day. Every day is different. Yoga gets that and it meets us there. I often tell my students that if they get into a pose and feel like they want to stay there awhile, they are more than welcome to! I am merely a guide. It is their practice. I will offer cues and suggestions as we practice together, but if they feel inspired to do something a little different, they are encouraged to. Even if someone stays in child’s pose for a good part of the class, they are there. They are practicing. It is where they need to be for their body and mind. Who am I to judge that? I spent much of my younger and middle years in high-intensity type classes or running. I still enjoy those from time to time, and worried I might miss some of the benefits of those classes as I moved more into the yoga world. I have found quite the opposite. My yoga practice pushes me in ways I never would have expected. It can make us stronger, more flexible, less stressed, and less depressed, just to name a few. Here is an excellent article on the 38 ways yoga can improve our health:

Yoga has many benefits, but the one I love the most is that yoga doesn’t judge. I started yoga about 5 years ago because of knee pain. My goal at that time was to make my knees feel better so I could continue my other fitness activities. I remember going to my first yoga class the teacher made the statement, “We have only touched the tip of the iceberg tonight.” I couldn’t have imagined then what she was talking about. Every blog or article I read, video I watch, or book I pick up has a yoga wisdom to add to my yoga construct. I hope to bring more of those insights and benefits to you as well through SIMPLE STEPS TO A HEALTHY LIFE. Namaste
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