Feeling the Full Moon Wonkies?

Photo by Alexis Antonio on Unsplash

What about that super moon last Sunday?  Add to that Valentine’s Day and longer days and wow!  What a week it’s been! It’s no secret that teachers and health care providers  can tell when it’s a full moon. Everybody is just a bit “off.” Add anything additional that is out of order, and things get really “off!”  So, what is it about a full moon that makes us feel so wonky?  

When we stop and think about it, a full moon can move the waters of the ocean.  So it’s no wonder it can have an effect on us. We are, after all, mostly water.  There are both mythical stories and scientific evidence that support the effect of a full moon on people and animals.  Having said that, what can we do to make times like this less contentious and more amicable? Here are 3 ideas:  

1) Lower expectations:  As a teacher, I’ve learned that when things are off, they are off!  Raising my expectations and thinking that if I expect more and push students harder, it will make things better will only result in frustration.  The fact is, kids especially, have not learned how to deal with the ebb and flow of whatever lunar force influences their behavior. My best bet is to go into the classroom, knowing things will be a little jiggy, and then help kids learn how to handle times like this when they feel out of control. It doesn’t mean I lower my expectations for behavior, but it does mean that I go in with low expectations, knowing they feel out of control, and then using those times as an opportunity to teach them skills to learn how to control their impulses.   

I’ve never worked in the mental health field, but I believe the same could be said there as well.  I’ve also heard it said about the criminal justice world. Although we don’t want to become accepting and tolerant of inappropriate and illegal behavior, we do want to see this as an opportunity to learn more about those who don’t have the skills to keep their emotions or behaviors in check.  It’s not a lowering of the standard, but a chance to recognize there is a force stronger than they that is clearly influencing their behaviors, then help them recognize this and practice self-discipline.  

2) “Ride the tide.”  If something pressing or important needs to be accomplished, this is probably not the time to do it.  If I’m going to test my students on very important content, it should probably wait a day or 2. If I need to hold a meeting with a student who has been disruptive or another issue where emotions may be tense, this is probably not the time to do it.  If there is no other option, we need to be prepared to deal with an underdeveloped emotional countenance. Think of it as a small child who can’t control their emotions. Remain constant when dealing with someone who may be heavily influenced by the lunar pull.  Keep emotions in check and try to react with logic. Getting emotional and escalated will only exacerbate the situation.     

3) Take it all in!  The full moon is beautiful! Despite its powerful force and brightness (which may lead to interrupted sleep), there is nothing quite as beautiful as a full moon on a clear night.  Breathe it in! If sleep is difficult during this time, make sure all blinds are closed. The mind needs to know it is time to sleep even if it is light outside .If the sky is clear, go outside and check out the constellations.  They are magnificent on a clear night.  

The full moon wonkies can get to everybody!  Even if we don’t think we feel the effect of a full moon, there is certainly someone around us who does.  Most likely, their behavior and reactions will play a role on our mental health during this time. So remember to breathe and remind yourself, this too shall pass.  Namaste

These are only my opinions and not meant to replace professional advice.  My insights are based on experience and perceptions rather than scientific evidence.  If you want to read more blogs like this one, please subscribe to my blog.


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  1. Maybe that explains the bomb threat left at an elementary school on Monday. All schools were closed including the university. We don’t get snow days in Great Falls just bomb threat days. That’s not to say that I think they shouldn’t take these things seriously.

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