As the world re-sets. . .5 FUN activities to pass the time at home:

It’s an interesting time.  An odd time. A time of uncertainty and frenzy.  We aren’t sick, but we have to behave as though we are.  We aren’t snowed in, but we have to behave as though we are.  We aren’t introverts, but we have to behave as though we are. How do we take this situation and turn it around to make the most of it?    

How about a Staycation!  Here’s some ideas to still have fun during this time, enjoy your time at home, and create some memories:

Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels
  •  COOK SOME OLD FAMILY FAVORITES. It might also be a good time to do some baking.  Bake or cook enough that you can freeze meals for later. And what a great time to start teaching your kids some favorite tricks in the kitchen!
  •  WATCH OLD FAMILY MOVIES.  Nothing beats the belly laughs perpetuated from old movies!
  • Be clever with games and activities.  CHARADES is a classic, and a favorite for all ages.  Remember TRIVIAL PURSUIT? How about UNO?  
  • CREATE AN OBSTACLE COURSE in the yard and take turns, timing each family member.  Who’s the fastest??   
  • For younger kids, CREATE A PROP BOX with old hats, suit jackets, dresses, jewelry, etc.  If you want to see the creative side of children, just give them a few props to get started and let them run with it from there.  
Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash
  • CREATE A FUN FAMILY COMPETITION.  Who can make the most creative Leprechaun trap?  Or what about a cook off challenge where each team is given the same amount and type of food and each has to try and create the best dish out of them?  

As the saying goes, when life gives you lemons, make lemonade! It is an interesting time and we are facing an enemy we can’t see.  But we can do this and we can have fun while we give our nation and the world a chance to re-set. Have a fabulous week-end and enjoy your staycation! 

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